
Thursday, August 31, 2006

the day after

we had friends visiting from Australia and this was what we consumed!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

where did August go?

We were inundated with guests this month as well as gifts.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

what's in your pantry?

Part of our lunch last Sunday. Nora, E's longtime friend from Eugene stayed overnight on her way to visit her family in France. As it has been almost 10 years since we've seen her, we decided to be a bit decadent. The foie gras was served over toasted baguette slices and the truffles were shaved over mixed salad greens along with shaved parmigiano regianno. Cheese course to end the meal, we had Saint-Marcellin and gorgonzola.

Friday, August 04, 2006

fields of color

a very well tended and watered field in Gilroy

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Em says that I am obsessed with Project Runway. It doesn't take much to be hooked. There's drama, humor, suspense and 100% guilty pleasure in every episode. It's like a mystery novel where the characters are one by one killed, in this case auf'd by Heidi Klum who is assisted by the fabulous Tim Gunn. Fellow show fanatics speculate on who's in, who's out and who will win. I read and listen to Tim Gunn's blog/podcast every Thursday, I watch all the clips available on the web, watch all the reruns and well, yes, I am obsessed with this reality show. Love it love it love it.

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